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Friday, September 28


There has been an error in the article that is in the Messenger Index regarding the Fundraiser for Laurie Link. Ola Ladies Club is sponsoring the fundraiser but I did not put this ad in the Index nor did anyone else from the Ola Ladies Club. It would have been nice of the person that felt they needed to put this ad in to have called me to get the details correct. The fundraiser is for Laurie Link, as many of you know she was hurt earlier this summer when her horse stumbled and she was thrown off and hurt very badly. Ola Ladies Club was planning on another fundraiser at the time for a good friend of the community, Jerry Marx who had been diagnosed with cancer and was taking treatments. When he heard about Laurie's accident he ask us to do the fundraiser for her instead. He said he felt she needed it more than him, that is why we all love Jerry, he is always thinking of others. Jerry is still struggling with his cancer and we still need to keep him in our prayers. So please come and join us Saturday for a great evening of good food, lots of nice silent auction items and dance to Laurie's favorite band Buddy and the Home Wreckers. Joy Weaver, 584-3522 President, Ola Ladies Club.


  1. This fundraiser is a complete joke. Laurie does not need nor did she want this event. But as usual Joy and Gloria felt led to make the Ladies Club look like they really care. Laurie has stated to many local folks that she will give the proceeds to some needy Ola folks. You have collected items for the silent auction and asked Ola ladies to supply cookies, pies, ect. You have asked a band to donate there time for Laurie, when in reality it is not for laurie at all. Many of us here in Ola would like to say..SHAME SHAME ON YOU LADIES CLUB

    1. Whoever wrote that is a very small person. This whole fundraiser was for Laurie because we all Love her. If you want to write bullshit about her like that then it just makes you look bad, not the Ola Ladies Club, not Joy or Gloria, and none of the folks who actually care about Laurie in the Ola Valley. You have no right or even a good enough reason to write what you said on here. Everyone did this for Laurie out of love and caring for her, obviously some people should find out where they stand in the world, and you: Anonymous, stands very low in the world. The people that were not there for Laurie and have caused her problems and stress: Go To Hell. The rest of them that care, love, respect, and want to help, Thank you for coming last night. Laurie if you are reading this, you know me, and I love you, we did this for you, stay strong, smile in front of the people who hate you, and live happy to make other people jealous of what you have and the people that care for you. We Love You!
