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Saturday, January 12


Gem County, Idaho Again, Ola resident, Nathan McClure, achieves success again!!! Any other parents or young adults that would like to share your successes, please let us know and we shall share with everyone as well. Congrats Nathan!
Nathan McClure Did very well today at BPA regionals! Placed 1st in entrepreneurship! An 6th in economics open event. And to boot even won a drawing prize iTunes gift card!! Made a lot of great friends and was the only one their from my chapter so the New Plymouth BPA chapter adopted me!! Thank you lord for such a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing a special Giveaway to the next 10 people who sign up under me Compliment of PPM Premium Promotions. Three Days and two nights at 5Star resorts or Hotels of your choice from 18 Luxury Locations across the Country. So for $7 U get a business and a Vacation on me !!!!
    $7 is changing lives!! PEOPLE ARE SIGNING UP FASTER THAN I CAN WELCOME THEM TO THE TEAM!!!!$7 x 2People can get U up to $20,000 monthly .Watch my crazy Team Fam Leader break down the Statistics ... ....... leave a message on my google voice 773-675-9610 sayin “send my trip” and I’ll give U the detail to get your TRIP!
