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Friday, December 20



Merry Christmas to whoever has the duty at the NSA, be sure and let the president know I said Merry Christmas, not happy holidays.  A very special Merry Christmas to all of our Service Men and Women may they receive extra blessings this Christmas.  God bless you for the sacrifices you make on our behalf so we can celebrate the Birth of our Savior in peace.
What a great time of year when we get together with friends and family to celebrate the Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. It might surprise some but I didn’t always celebrate Christmas with joy in my heart.  I was in sales and the Christmas season was a major disruption to my success in selling.  I wasn’t that good anyway and any disruption just compounded my lack of  success.  Combine all of that with never having enough money to get that perfect gift and then trying to figure out how to pay for the ones we did buy, whether they were perfect or not.  Never receiving the perfect gift myself, you might understand why I was sometimes referred to as Scrooge by some very  close family.
Now I don’t worry about what is under the tree.  The saying that “It’s the thought that counts” really is true.  Someone thought of me, whether it was a homemade gift, a fruitcake or a plate of cookies, they thought of me.  Whatever I receive this Christmas will be appreciated, because we have all been given the Perfect Gift and it was given with love.  God gave us His Son who would eventually give His Life to take on our sins.  Through that Perfect Gift we can be connected to our Holy Father if we choose to accept that Gift.  I have heard that the day after Christmas is almost as busy as black Friday because of people exchanging gifts.  We can choose to accept or exchange the Perfect Gift, the choice is ours.  This Gift is Eternal and will never fade, break, or wear out, but it can be exchanged.  The one who would rule the world will gladly accept your soul in exchange for our salvation and eternal life with Jesus, God’s Perfect Gift to us.  The choice is ours.  I have chosen to accept the Gift.  Come join the celebration at the Ola community church Christmas Eve as we celebrate the Most Fabulous Gift ever given to mankind.


Russ Agenbroad

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