The Ola Rough Riders 4 H Club want to thank everyone for their support ! All the kids did great! And all their hard work payed off!
Ezra Andelin won a blue and a red ribbon for his market lamb.
Katelyn Andelin won two blue ribbons with her Market lamb.
Justin Poole won a blue and a red ribbon for his Market lamb.
Hannah Poole won second place as well as 4th overall for her breeding ewe! ...
Created to keep the community of Ola up to date on the happenings in the area.
To add information, contact Kim @ 584-3557
or e-mail to
or e-mail to
Thursday, July 30
EMMETT'S MOST EXCELLENT TRIATHLON will be Saturday, August 8th starting at 9AM-10:30AM. Remember that Highway 52 is closed that day. Please view map for exact closure place and distance.
Wednesday, July 29
The Ola Rough Riders 4-H Club will be showing sheep tomorrow afternoon (Thursday) at the Gem/Boise County Fair around 3PM. This is at the fairgrounds in Emmett.
Tuesday, July 28
Today the Commissioners had discussion on the Mass Gathering Ordinance and it was a full house. Thank you for those that came as we were able to have comments with the extra time that was available. From todays discussion we are in favor of having a public meeting to hear comments and suggestion's that you may have on this ordinance. The public meeting will be August 10th at 7 pm in the Emmett City Hall council chambers. You may also send in written comments if you cannot make the meeting or prefer not to speak in front of a crowd. We will need to have your name and address on your letter. From this meeting if we decide to amend or make changes to the ordinance we will then have another public hearing with the proposed changes which will give another opportunity for comment on the ordinance. I will bring the comments that I have received this past week to the meeting. I will also post a reminder as we get close to the date for the public meeting. Thank you for your patience and your comments and we will see you on the 10th. Bill
Monday, July 27
Mass Gathering Ordinance Public Meeting
Mass Gathering Ordinance Public Meeting
The Commissioners will hold a public meeting on Monday August 10, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall, 501 E. Main Street, Emmett, Idaho to hear public comments regarding the recently adopted Mass Gathering Ordinance.
A draft of the Mass Gathering Ordinance is available on the county website and is also available for review from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm daily in the Gem County Clerk’s office, 415 E. Main Street, Emmett, Idaho.
The Board will accept written input as well as oral testimony. Please provide written testimony on or before the date and time of the hearing.
Friday, July 24
Beautiful Ola Sky--picture taken by Riley Brunett |
Thursday, July 23
I'm missing my Border Collie. Black and white female. Answers to the name of Dutchess. If you see her please give me a call Kim 584-9030.
FOUND HER!!! She was pacing at the gate this AM. The day's starting off good!!!
FOUND HER!!! She was pacing at the gate this AM. The day's starting off good!!!
Monday, July 20
If you would like to donate some school supplies to the Ola School here is the supply list.
Ola School Supply List
1 dozen #2 lead pencils
Box of crayons, 16 or fewer
White school glue, 1-8 oz. or 2- 4
oz. bottles (orange cap
4 large glue sticks
Large pink eraser.
Pair of quality pointed scissors
(Fiskar-type recommended)
2 Large boxes of facial tissues.
Set of large water-based felt
2 1” binders.
1 ½” binder with clearview
front for yearbook.
2 folders with pockets and brad
1 paint shirt.
1 package of 250 paper plates.
Ola School Supply List
Grades 1-3
2 dozen #2 lead pencils –
package of 12 or more
Box of crayons, 24 or fewer
White school glue, 1-8 oz. or 2- 4
oz. bottles (orange cap
4 large glue sticks
Large pink eraser.
Spiral or wireless notebook, 70-
100 pages, wide ruled.
Large package 3-hole wide-ruled
Pair of quality pointed scissors
(Fiskar-type recommended)
2 Large boxes of facial tissues.
Set of large water-based felt
1 ½” binder with clearview
front for yearbook
2 bags of pencil cap erasers.
3 folders with pockets and brad
1 package of 250 paper plates.
Ola School Supply List
Grades 4-6
2 dozen #2 lead pencils –
package of 12 or more
Box of crayons, 24 or fewer
White school glue, 1-8 oz. or 2- 4
oz. bottles (orange cap
4 large glue sticks
Large pink eraser.
2 Spiral or wireless notebooks,
150+ pages, wide ruled.
4 Spiral or wireless notebooks
70+ pages, wide-ruled.
Large package 3-holed wideruled
Pair of quality pointed scissors
(Fiskar-type recommended)
Box of colored pencils
2 blue or black ball point pens.
2 Large boxes of facial tissues.
Set of large or small water-based
felt markers.
3 1” binders.
1 ½” binder with clearview front
for yearbook
2 bags of pencil cap erasers.
3 folders with pockets and brad
1 package of 250 paper plates.
1 dozen #2 lead pencils
Box of crayons, 16 or fewer
White school glue, 1-8 oz. or 2- 4
oz. bottles (orange cap
4 large glue sticks
Large pink eraser.
Pair of quality pointed scissors
(Fiskar-type recommended)
2 Large boxes of facial tissues.
Set of large water-based felt
2 1” binders.
1 ½” binder with clearview
front for yearbook.
2 folders with pockets and brad
1 paint shirt.
1 package of 250 paper plates.
Ola School Supply List
Grades 1-3
2 dozen #2 lead pencils –
package of 12 or more
Box of crayons, 24 or fewer
White school glue, 1-8 oz. or 2- 4
oz. bottles (orange cap
4 large glue sticks
Large pink eraser.
Spiral or wireless notebook, 70-
100 pages, wide ruled.
Large package 3-hole wide-ruled
Pair of quality pointed scissors
(Fiskar-type recommended)
2 Large boxes of facial tissues.
Set of large water-based felt
1 ½” binder with clearview
front for yearbook
2 bags of pencil cap erasers.
3 folders with pockets and brad
1 package of 250 paper plates.
Ola School Supply List
Grades 4-6
2 dozen #2 lead pencils –
package of 12 or more
Box of crayons, 24 or fewer
White school glue, 1-8 oz. or 2- 4
oz. bottles (orange cap
4 large glue sticks
Large pink eraser.
2 Spiral or wireless notebooks,
150+ pages, wide ruled.
4 Spiral or wireless notebooks
70+ pages, wide-ruled.
Large package 3-holed wideruled
Pair of quality pointed scissors
(Fiskar-type recommended)
Box of colored pencils
2 blue or black ball point pens.
2 Large boxes of facial tissues.
Set of large or small water-based
felt markers.
3 1” binders.
1 ½” binder with clearview front
for yearbook
2 bags of pencil cap erasers.
3 folders with pockets and brad
1 package of 250 paper plates.
School supplies are considered
as donations to the school. If you
need assistance, or wish not to
provide these for your child,
please contact the office or your
child’s teacher.
Blackchinned |
Rufous |
SECTION 1. TITLE: This ordinance shall be known as the Gem County Mass Gathering Ordinance.
This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority granted to counties to regulate mass gatherings as provided in the Idaho Code and the Constitution of the State of Idaho.
The purpose of this ordinance is to establish consolidated rules and regulations governing mass gatherings.
ASSEMBLY: A company of persons gathered together at any county location at any single time for any purpose.
PERSON: Any individual, natural human being, partnership, corporation, firm, company, association, society or group.
COUNTY MASS GATHERING EVENT COORDINATOR: The individual appointed by the Gem County Board of Commissioners to assist with the processing of applications for the licensing of mass gatherings as established by this ordinance.
License Required: No person shall permit, maintain, promote, conduct, advertise, act as entrepreneur, undertake, organize, manage or sell or give tickets to an actual or reasonably anticipated assembly of three hundred fifty (350) or more people, whether on public or private property, unless an exception or a license to hold the assembly has first been issued by the Gem County Commissioners, the application for which must be submitted to the County Mass Gathering Event Coordinator at least sixty (60) days in advance of the assembly.
License and Fee: A separate license shall be required for each location in which three hundred fifty (350) or more people assemble or can reasonably be anticipated to assemble. The fee for each license shall be as set by the Board of County Commissioners of Gem County.
Ticket Sales: A license shall permit the assembly of no more than the maximum number of people stated in the license. The licensee shall not sell tickets to nor permit to assemble at the licensed location more than the maximum permissible number of people.
Location of Event: No license shall be issued to any anticipated assembly of three hundred (350) or more people where said location may be hazardous, highly prone to wildfire, dangerous or detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare unless appropriate safety provisions have been met.
This ordinance shall not apply to any regularly established, permanent place of worship, stadium, athletic field, arena, auditorium, coliseum, school or other similar permanently established place of assembly for assemblies which do not exceed by more than two hundred fifty (250) people the maximum seating capacity of the structure where the assembly is held.
This ordinance shall not apply to government sponsored fairs or events held on regularly established fairgrounds nor to assemblies required to be licensed by other ordinances and regulations of the county, nor to assemblies within any incorporated municipality within the county.
This ordinance shall not apply to any place at which auctions and/or sales are held which do not exceed by more than two hundred fifty (250) people the maximum capacity of the structure or outdoor location where the assembly of the participants and/or buyers of items for auction or sale is held.
Number of Persons At Assembly: Before an applicant may be issued a license, the applicant shall first determine the maximum number of people that will be assembled or admitted to the location of the assembly; provided that the maximum number shall not exceed the maximum number that can reasonably assemble at the location of the assembly, in consideration of the nature of the assembly; and provided that, where the assembly is to continue overnight, the maximum number shall not be more than is allowed to sleep within the boundaries of the location of the assembly by the zoning or health ordinances of the county.
Requirements At Applicant’s Expense: Before an applicant may be issued a license, the applicant shall provide proof that the applicant will furnish, at the applicant’s own expense and before the assembly commences:
Health Requirements:
Potable water, meeting all federal and state
requirements for purity, sufficient to provide drinking water for the maximum number of people to be assembled at the rate of at least one gallon per person per day and water for bathing at the rate of at least ten (10) gallons per person per day;
Separate enclosed toilets for males and females, meeting all state and local specifications, conveniently located throughout the grounds, sufficient to provide facilities for the maximum number of people to be assembled at the rate of at least one toilet for every three hundred (300) females, and at least one toilet for every three hundred (300) males; an efficient sanitary means of disposing of waste matter deposited therein, and which is in compliance with all state and local laws and regulations.
A sanitary method of disposing of solid waste, in compliance with state and local laws and regulations, sufficient to dispose of the solid waste production of the maximum number of people to be assembled at the rate of at least two and one-half (2 ½) pounds of solid waste per person per day, together with a plan for holding and a plan for collecting all such waste at least once each day of the assembly and sufficient trash cans with tightfitting lids and personnel to perform the task.
A qualified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) or Paramedic, qualified under the licensing requirements of the State of Idaho, sufficient to provide the average medical care enjoyed by residents of Idaho for the maximum number of people to be assembled up to two thousand five hundred (2,500), and at the rate of at least one EMT or paramedic for every two thousand five hundred (2,500) people, together with an enclosed, covered structure where treatment may be rendered, and at least one emergency ambulance available for use at all times.
The above health requirements are to be minimum requirements only. The plans for the health requirements shall be submitted to the Southwest District Health Department and approval included with the application.
Lighting: If the assembly is to continue during hours of darkness, illumination sufficient to light the central area of the assembly, to include the medical and health facilities, at the rate of at least five (5) foot-candles, but not to shine unreasonably beyond the boundaries of the enclosed location of the assembly, to include laser lighting, spot lighting or strobe lighting, and compliance with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations regarding usage.
Parking: A parking area inside of the assembly grounds sufficient to provide parking space for the maximum number of people to be assembled at the rate of at least one parking space for every four (4) persons. In the event that the site and access to it cannot handle the number of people expected to attend the assembly, the sheriff of Gem County may require the promoter to provide parking at other sites with transportation between the parking site and the site of the assembly to be provided by the promoter.
Telephones: Telephone service that is available for the maximum number of persons in attendance through the usage of land line or satellite telephone service, placed in accessible locations throughout the assembly area, and designated with large, legible notice of telephone location and availability.
Camping Facilities: In the event that temporary camping facilities are not available at the site of the propose assembly, the promoter shall provide temporary camping facilities elsewhere that shall be approved by the Southwest District Health Department.
Security Guards; Bond: Either regularly employed, duly sworn off-duty peace officers of the State of Idaho or other qualified individuals sufficient to provide adequate security for the maximum number of people to be assembled at the rate of at least one security guard for every two hundred fifty (250) people shall be provided by the promoter. A plan for the security guards shall be presented to the Gem County Sheriff, and approval of the plan shall be included with the application. In the event the county sheriff requires extra help to provide security for the proposed assembly, the promoter shall deposit with the county a cash bond in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000), with a higher bond to be required if the county commissioners determine it to be necessary.
Fire Protection: A Fire protection plan, including alarms, extinguishing devices and fire lanes and escapes, sufficient to meet all federal, state and local standards for the location of the assembly, including applicable provisions of the International Fire Code, and sufficient emergency personnel to efficiently operate the required equipment shall be submitted to the applicable Fire District, and approval of the plan shall be included with the application.
Traffic Control and Dust Abatement: All traffic control and dust abatement measures shall be set forth in a written plan, approved by the county Road and Bridge Department Director and included with the application. The promoter shall provide an emergency entrance and exit to and from the site of the proposed assembly and said emergency entrance and exit shall be kept open at all times for the use of emergency vehicles. The promoter is responsible for providing a sufficient number of traffic control personnel that shall be set forth in the plan and approved by the Road and Bridge Department Director.
Noise Control: If the assembly is to include the use of amplification devices, the sound emitting from such devices shall not be plainly audible within any place of residence not the source of the sound. Additionally, the sound emitting from such devices must be extinguished during the hours of 12:00 a.m. (midnight) through 7:00 a.m.
Insurance Policy:
An insurance policy, filed with the clerk
of the of the district court, underwritten by an insurance company licensed to do business In Idaho, in the minimum amount of one million dollars, which shall indemnify and hold harmless Gem County or any of its agents, officers, servants and employees from any liability of causes of action which might arise by reason of granting this license, and from any cost incurred in cleaning up any waste material produced or left by the assembly,
at the site or surrounding areas.
At the discretion of the Board of
Gem County Commissioners, a performance bond may be required to be deposited with the county commission either in cash or underwritten by a surety company licensed to do business in Idaho or through a letter of credit from an approved financial institution, at the rate of up to $10.00 per person for the maximum number of people permitted to assemble, which shall indemnify and hold harmless the county or any of its agents, officers, servants and employees from any liability or causes of action which might arise by reason of granting this license, and from any cost incurred in cleaning up any waste material produced or left by the assembly.
Filing Period: Application for a license to hold an actual or anticipated assembly of three hundred fifty (350) or more persons shall be submitted in writing to the County Mass Gathering Event Coordinator at least sixty (60) days in advance of such assembly.
Sworn Statement Required: The application shall contain a statement made upon oath or affirmation that the statements contained therein are true and correct to the best knowledge of the applicant and shall be signed and sworn to or affirmed by the individual or person (See definition) making application. In the case of a corporation, the oath or affirmation shall be made by the president or chief officer of the corporation; and by all partners in the case of a partnership; and by all members of an association, society, or group.
Contents: In addition to including the written approvals set forth in paragraph 2, above, the application shall also include and disclose:
a. The name, age, residence and mailing address of all persons required to sign the application, and, in case of a corporation, a certified copy of the articles of incorporation together with the name, age, residence and mailing address of each person holding ten percent (10%) or more of the stock of said corporation.
b. The address and legal description of all property upon which the assembly is to be held, together with the name, residence and mailing address of the record owner(s) of the property.
c. Proof of Ownership of all property upon which the assembly is to be held or a statement made upon oath or affirmation by the record owner(s) of all such property for an assembly of three hundred fifty (350) persons or more.
d. The nature or purpose of the assembly.
e. The total number of days and/or hours during which the assembly will last.
f. The maximum number of persons which the applicant shall permit to assemble at any time, not to exceed the maximum number which can reasonably assemble at the location of the assembly, considering the nature of the assembly, or the maximum number of persons allowed to sleep within the boundaries of the county if the assembly is to
continue overnight.
g. The maximum number of tickets to be sold, if any.
h. The plans of the applicant to limit the maximum number of persons permitted to assemble.
i. The plan for supplying potable water, including the source, amount available, and location of outlets.
j. The plans for providing toilet and lavatory facilities including the source, number and location, the type and the means of disposing of solid waste deposited.
k. The plans for holding, collecting and disposing of solid waste material.
l. The plans to provide for medical facilities including the location and construction of a medical structure, the names and addresses and hours of availability of
EMT’s or paramedics qualified under the licensing requirements of the State of Idaho and its provisions for emergency ambulance service.
m. The plans, if any, to illuminate the location of the assembly, including the source and amount of power and the location of lamps.
n. The plans for parking vehicles, including the size and location of lots, points of highway access and interior roads, including routes between highway access and parking lots.
o. The plans for telephone service, including the source, number and location of telephones.
p. The plans for camping facilities, if any, including facilities available and their location.
q. The plans for the use of any amplification devices and the plan for noise control during the assembly.
r. The plans for security, including the number of guards, their names, addresses, credentials and hours of availability; the plans for fire protection, including the number, type and location of all protective devices, including alarms and extinguishers, and the number of emergency fire personnel available to operate the equipment.
s. The plans for food concessions and concessionaires who will be allowed to operate on the ground, including the names and addresses of all concessionaires and their license or permit numbers.
Bond; License Fee: Application approval requires payment in advance of any bond or license fee required.
Upon receipt of the application for a license, it shall be properly noticed and placed on the Board’s agenda for its next regularly scheduled meeting, at which time it shall be reviewed publicly and a decision made to grant or deny the application. The application shall be granted upon proof of compliance with this ordinance and fulfillment of all conditions required by the Board.
Unless other arrangements are approved at the time of permit approval, a cleanup shall take place, to include all structures, installations, excavations and construction being removed by the licensee from the site of the assembly at the termination of the event. In the event this is not accomplished within ten (10) days after the assembly, the county is authorized to accomplish the removal and charge the cost of the removal against the performance bond.
The license may be revoked by the county at any time if the conditions necessary for the issuing of or contained in the license are not complied with, or if any condition previously met ceases to be complied with.
Public Nuisance: The holding of any assembly in violation of any provisions or conditions contained in this chapter shall give cause to the county to seek injunctive relief for the creation of a public nuisance. Said action shall be brought in any court of competent jurisdiction.
Violation of Mass Gathering Ordinance: Any applicant who fails to obtain a permit, makes misrepresentations during the permit application process or otherwise violates this ordinance, may be subject to penalties set forth under I.C. § 31-714, including a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment not to exceed six (6) months or by both such fine and imprisonment. Every day in violation is a separate offense. The criminal provisions of this subsection are not enforceable against the licensee in the event injunctive relief under subsection 1 of this section is granted.
Right of Entry: If the county issues a license to the promoter, the promoter shall allow entry to enforce provisions of this chapter or license.
APPROVED by the Gem County Board of County Commissioners on this
___________day of ______________, 2015.
Mark Rekow, Chairman
Bill Butticci, Commissioner ATTEST:
___________________________ _________________________
Bryan Elliott, Commissioner Shelly Tilton, City Clerk
Friday, July 17
Ola carefully..there are State Troopers and Sheriff all along the Sweet-Ola Highway. It would be a shame if it's one of us that gets a ticket.
Thursday, July 16
Thursday, July 9
Monday evening at approx. 8:30, GCFD#2 was “toned out’ for a lightening caused fire southwest of Ola. Fire crews from both the Ola and Sweet stations responded and located the fire approx. due west of Little’s corrals.. BLM also responded with one aerial drop before night fall and ground support. The fire burned about 40 acres of private land.
Tuesday, July 7
GCFD2 was "toned out" at approx. 8:30 Monday night for a lightening cased fire on Webb Creek. The location was later identified as BLM land about due west of Little's corrals. An air drop was made before night fall and ground crews worked, BLM and GCFD2, worked throughout the night. This AM, although smokey, it appears that everything is under control.
Saturday, July 4
Yesterday I listened to an interview with Lee Greenwood, songwriter and recorder of “God Bless The USA”. A very good interview about why he wrote the song and how it has affected people over the years. It pulls at the heart stings of most Americans. This interview brought a tear to my eye, not because of patriotic fervor, but because of sadness. For many of us we are seeing our country slowly slip away from it’s founding principles. We are no longer a God fearing nation, even though this country was founded by men who worshipped God and based a lot of their choices in there belief of God. God did, and has blessed the USA. Today however, as a nation we have slowly turned our back on God. We have taken God out of the public square and restricted his presence to church buildings, and now with the most recent court ruling even churches may be in jeopardy. This is what brought a tear to my eye. Why would God bless this country when this country has turned it’s back on Him? I personally think this is still the greatest nation the world has ever seen and can continue to be if we will turn to God instead of from Him. We are just starting a study of the book of Revelation in on Wednesday evenings at the Ola community church. Anyone interested in what is the future of this world are invited to join in this study.
Happy 4th of July
Yesterday I listened to an interview with Lee Greenwood, songwriter and recorder of “God Bless The USA”. A very good interview about why he wrote the song and how it has affected people over the years. It pulls at the heart stings of most Americans. This interview brought a tear to my eye, not because of patriotic fervor, but because of sadness. For many of us we are seeing our country slowly slip away from it’s founding principles. We are no longer a God fearing nation, even though this country was founded by men who worshipped God and based a lot of their choices in there belief of God. God did, and has blessed the USA. Today however, as a nation we have slowly turned our back on God. We have taken God out of the public square and restricted his presence to church buildings, and now with the most recent court ruling even churches may be in jeopardy. This is what brought a tear to my eye. Why would God bless this country when this country has turned it’s back on Him? I personally think this is still the greatest nation the world has ever seen and can continue to be if we will turn to God instead of from Him. We are just starting a study of the book of Revelation in on Wednesday evenings at the Ola community church. Anyone interested in what is the future of this world are invited to join in this study.
Happy 4th of July
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