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Monday, March 2


Approximately 50 attended this year’s meeting on Friday for information on the reported missing cattle from this past year’s grazing in the upper country.  The numbers look good considering where we were 5 years ago when Tom Blessinger started holding these informative meetings.  Although there is still loss, with education, information and public awareness the numbers remain lower.  

Idaho State Veterinarian Bill Barton spoke of the importance on the vaccinations for our livestock.  Vaccinations are important not only for the health of our livestock but for our neighbor’s and required if shipping across state lines.

State brand inspectors, Lynn Gibson and Larry Hayhurst, talked about the importance of clean, clear brands.  Proper branding, ear marks and tags can help in identifying and retrieving your cattle if lost or stolen.  They stressed that community awareness is the key to help prevent cattle being lost.  If you notice something that is suspicious don’t hesitate to give the Gem County Sheriff’s office a call.

Rick Clay from Western Stockman
Dr. Fredrickson, veterinarian for Simplot Cattle, gave a powerpoint presentation on poisonous plants.  How allowing cattle access to poisonous plants can cause deformities, miscarriage and death. He did say that if the plant is purple chances are it is poisonous, pine needles are also poisonous.  A suggestion to help keep your cattle from eating the plants is not to turn them out hungry, that way they won’t gorge themselves on everything.

Cody Burlile, Payette River Cattlemen’s Association spoke on what the PRCA does to educate and encourage young people to become involved in the beef industry.  With fundraising and membership dues, they are able to provide scholarships to young people

A big thank you to our speakers and to the ladies that provided us with a delicious lunch.  And thank you to Tom B. for organizing these meetings to keep us informed.

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