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Tuesday, August 5

Fizz! Boom! Read! Ola Library Summer Reading Sessions 5 & 6

The photos include, beginning at top, a collage of the July 26, Session 5 activity, making Frozen clay.  Participants first unrolled a roll of toilet paper, placed it in a bowl and mixed in one bar of shredded Ivory soap.  Helpers poured warm, blue-colored water into the mix, and the children squished and kneaded the mixture until a clay formed.  At the end of the session, they were challenged to take the clay home, make a sculpture and bring it for sharing the next week.  Pictured in the second photo, are those who met the challenge and created sculptures.  Each sculpture was awarded a rosette extolling its creative merits.

    The last summer reading activity - making Elephant's Toothpaste !  In the next four photos, children watch as their mixtures of hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, food coloring, and dissolved yeast create large spirals of colorful toothpaste.

    Finally, it was time to present the t-shirts and certificates to those who met their reading goals for the 6-week summer reading program.  First, however, volunteers, without whose help the reading program could not have been such a great success, received certificates of appreciation and t-shirts.  Pictured with the librarian, MaryLee Blackford, are Barbara Lange, Linda Rau, Judie McCaulou, and Laura Carlock.   Volunteers not present are Norma Hyde and John Nunez.  John generously gave of his time to gather materials needed for some of the activities.

            Parents who participated in the Read-to-Me category were Carrie Andelin with Jiles, Zoe, and Oliver; Shannon Foruria with Allie; Amanda Poole with Travis; and Mary Atkinson with Tiffany.

            Those who participated as Independent Readers are pictured, (top row)  Anahi Chavez, Justin Poole, Spencer Andelin, Timmy Weymouth, and Shirley Anne Weymouth.  (middle row) Savannah  Weymouth, Kaitlyn May, Hannah Poole, Ulysses Chavez, Abby Foruria, Katelyn Andelin.  (first row) Rachel Weymouth, Ezra Andelin, Travis Poole, Cody Poole, and Samual Atkinson.


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