To add information, contact Kim @ 584-3557
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Tuesday, December 22


The program was great as always and there was a full house. All of the children were dressed in their Christmas finest outfits and really spoke up and sang out, during the entire program. The Hall looked festive as it was decorated with the students beautiful artwork. Thomas was outstanding as "Santa In Space". Lily sang "Hark The Herald Angels Sing" and brought tears to your eyes with her clear, sweet voice. Faith played "Away in the Manger" with poise and grace. Bob sang two carols that conveyed the true meaning of Christmas and Mrs. Andelin was a new and wonderful addition to the program as she played the violin the the piano. Our Kindergartners and preschoolers squealed with delight when Santa came into the Hall. He took time and got every one's list. Everyone in attendance received a goody bag. It was a wonderful evening. Many thanks to our students and staff for giving the community a wonderful Christmas gift!!

Thanks Joyce!

Thursday, December 10


The mail service was as good in 1907 as it is today, Boise to Ola in a day and notice postage was just one cent. Thank you so much Sharon for sharing this with us!