To add information, contact Kim @ 584-3557
or e-mail to

Saturday, November 30

Some dates to remember this December:

P.A.L. Pet pics w/Santa 12/7, 10AM-3PM
Ola Ladies Club Christmas party 12/14, 2PM
USPS Mailing deadline 12/20 for 1st Class
Ola Community Christmas program 12/21, 6:30PM
Ola Rough Strider/Relay For Life
New Year's Eve Celebration 12/31

Friday, November 29


Click HERE get there!

Monday, November 25

Friday, November 22

Hi Ola, 

It’s me again.  We are approaching a very special time  of year.  To be politically correct one needs to refer to it as the holiday season.  I’m not politically correct and I still think of and refer to it as the Christmas Season.  There are several holidays during this time of year starting with Thanksgiving Day and ending with New Years Day, but the primary reason for the season is Christmas and the Birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Like I said I’m not politically correct.
The season starts with Thanksgiving Day when we should reflect on all of the Blessings our Creator has bestowed on us.  For a lot of years Thanksgiving was just a day to eat good food and watch football, I never really thought too much about the first Thanksgiving Celebration.  That has changed.  For me, personally, every day is a day of thanksgiving.  This one day a year is extra special because we set aside our regular schedule to celebrate by getting together with family and friends.  I just wanted to share a few of the things I am thankful for, not just on this one day but every day:

I am thankful for God’s Grace
I am thankful for Christ’s Birth and Sacrifice
I am thankful The Lord guided me to Ola where I discovered that living for
  Christ is the ultimate goal
I am thankful for my wife Charlene
I am thankful for my two sons Chuck and Scott
I am thankful for my two daughter-in-laws Kristi and Julie
I am thankful for my two grandchildren, soon to be three, Brenden and
I am thankful for my loving parents, who are still living, that are a guiding
  light in my walk with Christ
I am thankful for the Ola church congregation that are also guiding lights
  In my walk with Christ      
I am thankful for our weekly Bible study
I am thankful for the power of the Holy Spirit
I am thankful to be a citizen of a nation that still allows me to openly
  Worship God
I am thankful that the Word of God has been preserved all of these
  thousands of years for all of us    
I am thankful for every new Believer that comes to Christ
I am thankful for being a child of God
I am thankful to be living and working in a community like Ola where
  people get together to support one another  

These are just a few of the things I am thankful for.  We all have our difficulties, life is not perfect.  When I count all of my blessing and weigh them against the problems the positive overwhelms the negative.
This Thanksgiving Day take time to reflect on all of the blessings in your life and be thankful. 

Russ Agenbroad                 

Thursday, November 21

Congratulations to Weston and Carrie! Carrie and Weston welcomed Oliver Noble into the world yesterday.

OLA ROUGH STRIDERS/RELAY FOR LIFE meeting this Saturday at 10AM at the Ola Inn.


 Buy $100.00 worth of gift cards at Albertson's (includes Amazon)
 and receive $20.00 off your next purchase.
Click here for other HOT DEALS at HIP2SAVE.COM
Thanks Susan for sharing!!



Sunday, November 17

 Members of the Gem County Sheriff's Posse and GCFD2 are spending their Sunday at a Wildland First Aid Class in Emmett.

Saturday, November 16


Michelle at the Triangle is accepting holiday pie orders.
Order one or two of her delicious pies at 584-3246.

Wolves, fires having different effects on Idaho elk population

Article from KTVB, click HERE


The Holiday Bazaar is being held in Sweet today at the school. It's not too late to stop by and do some Christmas shopping. There are about 30 vendors selling a wide variety of items. It will be open until 3PM.

Thursday, November 14

Ola Ladies Club meeting this Saturday at 10AM. There will be a short business meeting then will be setting up for the Pancake Supper.

Christmas tree permits on sale soon - Emmett Messenger-Index: News

Christmas tree permits on sale soon - Emmett Messenger-Index: News: On Monday, Nov. 25, permits will be available at Boise and Payette National Forest District Offices and the Interagency Visitor’s Information …


Pictures with Santa
Bring your dog or cat to P.A.L. to get his/her picture with Santa
Saturday, December 7th
$5.00 donation per picture (all proceeds go towards the care of P.A.L.'s residents)
Raffle, refreshments and wreaths.
If you would like to preorder your beautiful wreath call Chris at 584-9302.


Saturday is the Annual Holiday Bazaar at the Sweet-Montour school.  Hours are from 9AM-3PM.
It is a wonderful bazaar, last year Joyce M. and I spent a day going to several holiday bazaars, Sweet's was, by far, the best!


This little gal was found on Highway 52 near the Montour Store about a week ago. She is wearing a yellow collar but no other ID. She was caught and is now at P.A.L., safe and warm but still scared. If know of anyone that has lost their friend please call P.A.L. at 365-1359 if no answer feel free to call Chris at 584-9302. She's a sweet little gal and may be available for adoption.

Wednesday, November 13


This is a video worth watching!  CLICK HERE

Sunday, November 10


Do you know who owns this dog? Female not much older than 1. Yellow collar. No ID. She has been running along Highway 52 just east of the Montour Store since Wednesday. She is very scared and was finally able to be caught today (Sunday). She is currently at PAL in Emmett, safe, warm and off the highway. Please, if you know who she belongs to, contact PAL ASAP. Thank you!

The American Red Cross will be in Ola for blood donations between 1PM and 5 PM, Monday, November 18th, at the Ola Community Center for the last time this year..

Donors are reminded to be sure to drink plenty of fluids the day of the donation and to wear clothing with sleeves that can easily be rolled up above the elbow.  Eat a high protein meal two hours before and bring photo identification.

Each donor's name will be put in for a drawing for 2 BSU game tickets on November 30th when they play New Mexico. 

To make an appointment, call Darlene Mingus at 584-3429.  For questions or information, call The American Red Cross at 1-866-236-3276.


Made by the young men in Sweet!
 Click HERE to view.

Thursday, November 7


Well it was a long hot summer for 
Olie, but it seems he made it through pretty much unscathed, unlike last summer, when I would have to make that 26 mile round-trip to feed.  He has been with Butch and Joyce Biggers herd for a year now, which makes it much easier for me.

With not knowing how old he is, or the ability to have any Vet care, we have not been able to get a diagnosis with a growth on his right front leg.  With Chris being a retired Vet-Tech, we feel that it might be Cancer, but are monitoring it, and are giving him Rimadyl daily for pain.

He is getting fed everyday with a diet of 8 cups of dry food, 2 poached eggs, 2 slices of bread, soft dog food, 2 tablespoons of Veg. oil, 1/2 cup of beef or chicken broth, 3 slices of summer sausage which we put the medication in, and on occasions when we have a roast, hamburger, bacon, etc.. he gets some of that also.  He is being well fed I feel. The day I took the Pix I couldn't find his pan, but does eat out of a pan daily.

He is a very devoted dog, that requires no more human contact than what I give him.  I have touched him on different occasions, and he will eat out of my hand.  With this, we have a relationship based on trust and respect.  I will take care of him as long as he is still with our Ola community, and our "OLIE"  the Ola dog.

I would like to also Thank my wife Chris, Sharon Sutton, and Shannon Foruria, for feeding when I am unable to do so.

Thanks to the OLA community for having him in your thoughts and prayers.
Mike Samson

Wednesday, November 6

Idaho 44 traffic shift now scheduled for Friday, Nov. 8 - Emmett Messenger-Index: News

Idaho 44 traffic shift now scheduled for Friday, Nov. 8 - Emmett Messenger-Index: News: Paving on Idaho 44, State Street, near Idaho 16 continues as crews prepare for an overnight traffic shift scheduled for Friday, Nov. 8. This c…

Tuesday, November 5


Sunday, November 3

3 lost teen hunters from Emmett found in Ola area - Emmett Messenger-Index: News

3 lost teen hunters from Emmett found in Ola area - Emmett Messenger-Index: News: Idaho State Police located three lost Gem County hunters in the Ola area Saturday night.

Saturday, November 2

And there's more.....GCFD#2 Sweet was called out about noon for a dumpster fire. Apparently someone, not from up here, emptied their still hot, burning barrel in a dumpster at Montour.


While Sweet/Ola EMS was staged for the missing teens, they were called out to an ATV accident on Third Fork north of Nesbitt Lane. Apparently the guy lost control, he was transported to Walter Knox.


Three Emmett teenagers have been found safe!

About 5PM Saturday afternoon, Sweet/Ola EMS was staged at the gravel pit on Second Ford and Nesbitt Lane as a search started for the three missing hunters.  Family members and several agencies helped in the search.  About 7PM the teens were found cold and wet up on the upper loop near Ramage Meadows.  
Friends of Donna had lunch at the Ola Inn this afternoon. Donna has had a busy summer, it was great to see her and catch up.
Hello All,
This spring I asked several of you if you would please write a letter to the USFS Emmett Ranger District in opposition to an Outfitter coming into the heavily populated 32/32A to Bear hunt. Many of you did this and I thank you for that. However, I was hoping the new Ranger for this area would just shoot this bad proposal down with these letters. Sadly, He did not and it is now open for public comment. If we don't flood him now I am afraid our Bear hunting chances are going to be even slimmer for our children. I am not against this Outfitter or Outfitting in general. They have their place and I have used them before. He has a unit already for bear hunting.

As many of you know this area is a very tough to draw controlled hunt area for bear hunting. Imagine not being able to draw this tag for many years and ALL OUR CHILDREN being shut out from drawing a bear tag in their back yard just to see an outfitter (WHO HAS HIS OWN BEAR HUNTING AREA ALREADY) just gets given bear tags to sell to the highest bidder. Selling our wildlife in a controlled area is bad. The draw odds will get progressively worse for everyone and those who don't draw will get to see $$$ just buy others a tag.

This type of proposal was brought up many years ago and the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Assoc. used common sense and biology to say "NO". While some try to paint the picture that I am against Outfitters, it is a blatant lie. They have their place. This Outfitter already has his place to bear hunt and hunts it A LOT. The Outfitters and Guides Assoc. made a bad call on even entertaining this proposal. 32/32A is a very heavily populated unit and holds a lot of people during hunting seasons. Common sense told them that 20+ years ago when they said "NO". (Note: Korell Outfitters in fact holds a spot on the board of directors now)

There is NO biology in this decision. The IDF&G often is asked to increase the amount of tags allotted to the general public. They say no everytime. For 7 years I was the Region 3 Director for the Idaho State Bowhunters. Each year I asked the IDF&G commission to increase the Bear tags in 32/32A and each year I was told the tag numbers where at "TAKE OBJECTIVE". Now, if this proposal is passed by the USFS the IDFG would basically be forced to give tags to an outfitter to sell a hunt for and make profits from. Our controlled hunt area and critters should not be up for sale. It leaves a very sour taste in this Bear hunters mouth.

Once this barn door is opened up there is no turning back. I fear this is just the beginning and more tags and more species of hunts will be proposed in the future. I have had some personal contact with this outfitter in the field and will not comment on those experiences. I am not a friend of his and don't feel friendship should matter in this. I am not against outfitters or outfitting. In fact I have done it and will probably do it again. However, once this barn door is open what happens if this outfitter sells his operation 5 years from now and a very shady operation get's it? What then? That is my fear for my 2 boys. DON'T LET THE BARN DOOR OPEN! Please go to this website and flood it with "I AM IN OPPOSITION" comments for us. THANK YOU!

Teresa MacKenzie-Varner



Wishing Roger Klingback a speedy recovery. Roger was thrown from his horse yesterday and broke his hip.


A huge thank you to Amanda Poole and Nathan McClure for the Haunted Hall! The kids and parents of the Ola Community appreciate a place to celebrate Halloween. You guys did a terrific job of creating a scary place to do just that. Thank you for your hard work!

Friday, November 1


Here's another story of a driver that followed his GPS.   

Thanks Lucas for sharing this.